C++ Modules
So, as a followup to the C++ post, here's another super-interesting piece of information, proving that someone over there has their eye on the ball: C++ Modules.
Modern object-oriented programming languages
So, I've been thinking lately (probably because of the embedded development I've been doing) that what the world needs is a modern, object-oriented, garbage-collected, type-safe programming language that performs well, and is usable anywhere. I've been developing full-time in C# for my employer for a long time (since the language has been publicly available, in fact), and I've become accustomed to having an extremely powerful library, along with highly convenient language features available to me. I did some hobbying in C long ago, but never very much, because the memory management just didn't feel "clean" to me. Having to manage everything as hunks of memory and passing around "void *" everywhere just doesn't strike me as type-safe.
Here's a Kickstarter project I'd like to see
On Kickstarter, the "please-donate-to-me-because-I-have-an-idea" website, one popular and recurring theme is to provide the "next Arduino" platform. In nearly all cases, this involves an ARM Cortex-M* microcontroller on a small breakout board. ARM breakout boards, however, are a dime a dozen. Any fool (yours truly first in line) can whip one up from a datasheet and a little Google-time. There are enough frighteningly powerful Cortex microcontrollers out there that it's time someone did something about it.
Master of Orion 2 ship images by color
Another month, another post, amirite?
On mobile phone operating systems
It finally came time to retire the Touch Pro 2, which, I believe, is one of the last ever released Windows Mobile devices. I’d only ever used Windows Mobile 5/6 devices before, and only ever devices with a physical keyboard, so it was a natural choice at the time. It was underpowered even then (devices with 700+ MHz processors were already available, or maybe even 1 GHz), but it had the WM6 and the keyboard that I wanted, so I grabbed it.
Fluent programming interfaces
I've got a strong opinion on fluent APIs (yeah, nothing else, though). My opinion is that fluent APIs are for the weak-minded. I've always believed this, but today I had an epiphany: fluent APIs are for reformed VB programmers who miss the "using" statement!
Yet another zombie game
Yeah. We need another zombie game, seriously.
The "right" way to hash a password for storing in the database
So, given that password security is in the news quite a bit lately with all sorts of high-profile hacking incidents, I figured I'd write down a little code here that I've been considering.
My contribution to the ClientBase and IDisposable discussion
It's well known that there can be some unexpected behavior when one uses ClientBase
There is apparently a large debate of philosophies raging: SOAP vs REST. None of it makes much sense to me.