Blink (but do not miss this book)
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
C++ Modules
So, as a followup to the C++ post, here's another super-interesting piece of information, proving that someone over there has their eye on the ball: C++ Modules.
Modern object-oriented programming languages
So, I've been thinking lately (probably because of the embedded development I've been doing) that what the world needs is a modern, object-oriented, garbage-collected, type-safe programming language that performs well, and is usable anywhere. I've been developing full-time in C# for my employer for a long time (since the language has been publicly available, in fact), and I've become accustomed to having an extremely powerful library, along with highly convenient language features available to me. I did some hobbying in C long ago, but never very much, because the memory management just didn't feel "clean" to me. Having to manage everything as hunks of memory and passing around "void *" everywhere just doesn't strike me as type-safe.
Not a single entry for November. I apologize, I really do. There's not really any excuse for it, as I regularly thing to myself, "now THAT would make a great subject!"