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The deer hunt, 2012

I don't get what the big deal is about the deer hunt.

My deer hunt story for this year:


One of Heinlein's better works

Excellent science fiction. If you're interested in Heinlein's work, this is one that you should not miss.

Stranger in a strange land, indeed.

Interesting premise, and good storytelling, but...


So, to save a couple bucks, I decided to use Wal-Mart's Site-To-Store shipping option. Bad idea.

So, to save a couple bucks, I decided to use Wal-Mart's Site-To-Store shipping option. Bad idea. It would have seemed impossible to me to construct a shipping system this slow, but Wal-Mart has disappointed once again. I made the order on 9/17, and no tracking information whatsoever was available for 5 days. After that, this is what it looked like:


The Cat Who Walks Through Walls

A fun ride, with characters from earlier Heinlein books.

Gadgeteer socket library

I altered the gadgeteer socket package and gave it longer lines, and here it is.

After the first batch of modules I made, it was discovered by me and others that the footprint I used for the Gadgeteer socket didn't leave much room for soldering. For the second batches, I altered the footprint and extended each pad out 1mm to give a bit more room to get a soldering iron in there. I was asked if I was willing to share the footprint, and of course I am, so here it is.